Procedural Map Generation [2]
For the past two weeks I played some of the rogue-like games I liked most and discovered something: Most of them have maps where the rooms are on a 3x3 grid like:
after some more research I found out that this is the exact same pattern used in the very first game of this genre: Rogue! lol So I decided to make my maps similar to that.
▬ Implementation
I had some help with BSP from a good tutorial but couldn't find anything similar for Rogue's maps. So this time I had to code everything by myself with leads from: Decoded: Rogue
Some of the possible results
There were so many new concepts to learn. What gave me the most trouble was structuring everything inside the project. Like right now the rooms are implemented as dictionaries which is comfy but I really feel like I should make a room-class instead. Just that there is no usecase for that yet.
Something else I had trouble with was loading a new level when the player enters the stairs. The first implementation worked fine. The player entered the stairs and pressed space to load the next level.
# does the job - inside stairs script extends Area2D func _input(event): if event.is_action_pressed("ui_select"): if get_overlapping_bodies().size() == 1: emit_signal("stairs_entered")
But when I switched the behavior to automatic loading without player input, the player's initial position was off:
Poor player, stuck in the wall
It's strange because I'm emitting the same signal from the same file...
# Still inside stairs script extends Area2D signal stairs_entered() func _ready(): connect("body_entered", self, "_on_Stairs_entered") func _on_Stairs_entered(body): emit_signal("stairs_entered")
Google sensei gave me a hint to what might be the answer why this is happening: A known bug? Σ(・口・) Area2D fires off "body entered" signal when scene is added back to scene tree
The solution posted there (yield before emitting) helped but I'm not sure if it's really the same bug as I'm not understanding everything yet.
welp it works for now even if it makes me feel a bit uneasy 💦
✨ Version 0.1.1 complete! ✨
▬ Version 0.1.2
✨ Sand slime (Enemy):
Moves around the map and towards the player when in range.
⚠️ Core feature: Enemy path finding
More posts
- Procedural Map Generation [1]Jul 02, 2021
- Tilemap & PlayerJun 29, 2021
- First Version GoalsJun 01, 2021
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